Anita Maksimiuk


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Obscure Allure- Keeping Traditional Printmaking Real and Relevant

If you had the chance to attend an art institution at any point in your life, chances are you’ve had exposure to the world of printmaking, even if only peripherally. If you haven’t, you may not be able to place your finger on what exactly making prints means- how would you define a “print” in the first place? Taught in art schools across the globe, the medium persists as a stepping stone, akin to drawing, painting or darkroom photography. Traditional printmaking has, in a commercial sense, been redundant for many, many years- obviously, printing technology has advanced. Nowadays, the art form inhabits a number of spaces both within and outside of the academic context, most of them small and largely unknown.

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New York to Seattle: Cycling the Northern Tier

While the term “adventure cycling” is open to interpretation, it might seem like a far-fetched idea in most contexts, especially to anyone who rides a bike strictly for fun. As a commuter cyclist, I relied on two wheels to get just about anywhere in New York City throughout my adult life- mostly to avoid the headache of the subway, but also because it will always be a practical way to get around. When I discovered the adventure and bike touring community, the idea of crossing the country powered by nothing by sweat, strong will, and some savings became a priority. I had to see just how possible it was- and what the experience would teach me.

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Paying Attention to Poland

To many American travelers, venturing east of Berlin doesn’t usually fit the bill of the perfect European getaway. Places like Warsaw edge off the radar when it comes to planning a trip to Europe, possibly falling under a stereotype of a gray, somewhat uninviting Eastern Europe. However, while the entire continent bears scars of the last century, and Eastern Europe wears them perhaps most consciously, its cities continue to persist with irreplaceable character, merging their histories with contemporary culture and creativity.

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