Studio Ghibli, a popular animation house in Japan, has gained quite a lot of mainstream attention in the past 5 -6 years. Though a few of their movies were well recognized even outside Japan, the name of the production house itself was still quite unknown. But surprisingly, the movies made by the production house gained sudden mainstream popularity and started being revered as “hidden gems” in the past decade and has resulted in the creation of a dedicated fan culture. So what’s the secret behind the sudden rise of Studio Ghibli’s popularity? Which aspect of their art struck a chord with an entire generation as a whole?
“When you hear the name Las Vegas what’s the first thought that comes to your mind? Gambling? Drugs? Bachelor Parties? How about grocery stores? No, right? Well, this particular grocery has become one of the most popular attractions of Sin City. Why? Because Omega Mart is more than just a grocery store, it’s a piece of art.”
Somewhere in the South Pacific Ocean, in the heart of Oceania, lies a tiny cluster of islands that make up the nation of Tuvalu. The presence of this tiny nation might be easy to miss on a map, but its story isn’t.