Stillness in Nature

Regardless of circumstances, situations, and events that cause disharmony in everyday life; calmness, serenity, and contentment are possible for all of us to witness in the subtle shift through the deep meditative relaxation.

Most of what we consider valuable by the interpretation of societies’ belief, that we are so proud to hold in our hands for the frontiers of new innovation, is actually far from being as important as a piece of relinquished mind.

Regardless of circumstances, situations, and events that cause disharmony in everyday life; calmness, serenity, and contentment are possible for all of us to witness in the subtle shift through the deep meditative relaxation. 

More often than not we are being faced with options that are claimed to be beneficial to our health & stability, yet underneath that, they also represent a clog of a substantial conglomerate machine if we would to spend time & look into the narrative closer. Each of the given choices is presented in the glamourous light & hidden agenda of the brand. What cloth we ought to wear, what fitness gym we ought to visit, what device(s) we ought to use. Now, perhaps some will receive this statement in a far-fetched manner & claim that there is still a sense of choice. Realistically our instinct stands on a desire to have freedom within our belief system, yet when the norms are persistent & continuous to the point of merging identities to a singular doctrine, opinion, view, conviction, we are in for a trouble of crisis. What happens next is separation. A spark for a clash towards neglect & judgment in relation to aspects of life that are actually essential

That word is what has been manipulated & digressed to the place of deep illusion we live & surround ourselves in. It is a matter of relative time until we realize it, but it takes space & unwavering ground to also realize that. Most of what we consider valuable by the interpretation of societies’ belief, that we are so proud to hold in our hands for the frontiers of new innovation, is actually far from being as important as a piece of relinquished mind. What does relinquished mean in this case? Natural. In tune with our biological clock & not the one that gives us a rush of adrenaline in the morning for the next office hour. This declaration only sounds wild because we’ve admitted ourselves to the style of being a part of the bigger driving force that is using us & manifesting its willpower upon us & taking our finite energy for its own use & gain. 

The massive shift in perception only happens once we step outside that limit, past the boundary of comfort & see that people such as first nations, locals of Central – South America, Asia, Africa, etc. are living much closer to the standards of what most of us have followed in the past. Yet, now we claim to be better because we hold a power of technology within our constant reach, but to what cost is the use of it prolongs our health, intuitive wisdom & stillness that is much more potent than coded numbers within a metal case? When is it that the separation between these paradigms has grown so strong & deep? 

The question arrives with introspection. 

Often the solution is to simply stop trying to fix things, which elongates a game of interpretation for striving to attain more in hoping for the perfect life. It often involves just letting go which means to let be. Each & every one of us carries this capacity in our core. Or rather not just carries – longs for it. Longs to be a few steps closer to it with a rise of a new sun upon the vast horizon.  

Here is what a brief, step by step mindful practice can be:

Find a quiet place to sit;

Close your eyes, relax your face & jaw.

Take a deep inhale & exhale fully

Visualize yourself pondering in nature – peaceful serenity next to water & trees.

Breathe deeply to reconnect with grounding energy

What water do you see? Is it a bubbling stream, a river, or waves of the ocean?

Continue to breathe in and out with the rhythm of the water

Next – look at the trees around you, what kind of trees are they?

Picture how tall the trunks are, picture the branches, leaves, see the trees in their entirety.

How does it make you feel?

Now feel the breeze move through the branches, hear the wind blow around you & through you.

Eventually – come back to feeling the seat under you, while you sustain the earth's energy.

Slowly open your eyes & come back into your body. Be cautious to be slow & pay attention to the difference of your visceral sensorial being.

Among many here are a few health well-being effects meditation provides that we should never overlook:

Stress reduction, anxiety decrease, decreased depression, reduction in pain (physical & psychological), improved memory, increased efficiency, reduced blood pressure, heart rate, lactate, cortisol & epinephrine, decreased metabolism, breathing pattern, oxygen utilization & carbon dioxide elimination, increased regional cerebral blood flow in the frontal & anterior cingulate of the brain. 

Now half of those require an anatomy book to be pulled out from the shelf, so for us to be speaking in a simple accessible way, we should simplify the message by saying: less stimulus – less strain. What is a stimulus? Information. Quite literally any information. Underneath which we find the frequency. Frequency is the foundation of everything alive around us. Have you ever noticed why it is much easier to listen to one person than the other, even though their text is the same? Yes, coming from a classical theatre approach many of us will say it has to do with subtext instead, fair point, but it also has to do with a tone (frequency) the person is exposing his/her language through, which makes it either more or less resonate. Technology plays exactly the same part in this equation. It radiates waves along the way that we involuntarily absorb. What nature does is it naturalizes those tones to an organic flow of our inner state. When we listen to the stream of water for a prolonged amount of time, when we feel the breeze on our skin, when we witness birds flying far in the sky, when we simply look in the abundance of the endless horizon – we receive information, such one is untouched by a human capacity to change it’s genuine, original code. We are only left to merge with the law of natural effect & take a step back in attempts to control it – by default, it will find its way into our calm, relaxed, tranquil, composed sense of being.

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